Sunday, January 6, 2008


Hello people~

Ok now this is gonna be lame. Cos everyone started a blog with a welcome message. Haha! So I'm just following the tradition. Kekeke =D

Many people are asking me what for another blog. Well, this blog is created specially for the poems that I wrote and gonna write. Last night I wrote a poem after so long retired. Haha! Anyway, it got me thinking. Why did I quit last time? Why didn't I continue my talent in writing poems?

So here we are. By creating this blog, it will sure drives me to write more and more poems. Cos who wants an outdated blog right? Hehe =) I hope you people will enjoy my poems. It's all by me.

Truly yours,
Perpetua Angeline

叶子的离开, 是风的请求, 还是树的不挽留...

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